Therese Jornlin

Therese is inspired and prodded by her life-long interest in the relationship between the body and energy, spirit and matter. For 35 years, she has worked in the field of holistic health as an educator, a transformational coach and practitioner of therapeutic bodywork. Whether she is teaching a class, in a private session, giving a lecture or facilitating a workshop, her mission is to aid the embodied empowerment of each individual and awaken our connection to each other and the earth. Her studies, personal practices, travel and training are extensive. Using all that she has gleaned from the east, the west and her own inner journey, she shares fundamental teachings and techniques to help awaken your capacity to heal yourself, to steady your mind, to be in communion and community, to activate your unique potential in the world and to practice loving without end. 

She graduated with a BA from Duke University and a MA from Loyola University...and her studies began in earnest after her formal degrees. She has been fortunate to study with extraordinary teachers in the U.S. and India. Her work with Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity in 1981 profoundly influenced her early formation and life-choices. Pursuing her interest in the body-mind connection, she received her certification from The Chicago School of Massage Therapy and has extensive professional continuing education hours in the fields of Zero Balancing, Neuromuscular, Craniosacral, Reiki, Polarity, Brain Gym, Applied Kineseology and other related therapies. In 1995, Therese returned to live in Chennai, India with her family to study in the Viniyoga tradition with teachers from The Krishnamacharya Mandiram and certified in Svastha Yoga with her teacher A.G. Mohan, long-time student of Krishnamacharya. She also holds certifications in Chilel QiGong, the Dean Ornish Health Heart Program and Shelley Summers Nutritional Program.

In 1997 she attended a short lecture titled “Female Embodiment” by Tamara Slayton, Founder of The Initiatives for the Renewal of Modern Culture. This lecture greatly impacted her and prompted deeper studies about the relationship between the female fertility cycle and the health of women and communities. She went to California to study in depth with Tamara and then she further researched teachings in Raja Yoga that pertain specifically to women. From these roots she developed the transformational course called Women Awake that is beginning to also create collaborations with men working to heal and empower men.

In addition to a breadth of study, work, travel and experience, the single-parenting of her three children has been her most precious treasure and teacher. Being a householder in this way has informed her heart, her knowledge and experience--all of which helps to make her teachings practical and full of compassion. 


"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you love." 
